Submission Time

1a. Date

2. Environmental poliovirus surveillance (ENV) means monitoring of poliovirus (PV) transmission in human populations by examining environmental specimens supposedly contaminated by human faeces

3. It is estimated that systematic ES would detect 1 individual excreting wild poliovirus among 10,000 inhabitants

3a. Deficiencies in AFP surveillance are suspected

3b. Persistent virus circulation is suspected

3c. Frequent virus re-introduction is perceived

3d. Low polio vaccination coverage

3e. There is risk of poliovirus importation

4a. In several countries, wild polioviruses have been detected in the environment in the absence of reported polio cases.

5. ES is also a potential tool for monitoring circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV)

6. Sampling frequency should, preferably, be twice a month, but at least once a month

7. Sampling sites are inlets to sewage treatment plants or other major collector sewers.

8a. One or two should be responsible for collecting the samples at each sampling site

8b. Should be organized by the local authorities or in collaboration with MoH/WHO

8c. Training and written instructions should be provided to persons collecting the samples

9a.Trap samples are collected by hanging a bag of non-specifically absorbing material in the sewage stream

9b. Grab method an amount (one liter) of raw sewage is collected at a selected sampling site,

10a. Afternoon hours

10b. peak morning hours of household sewage